موقع المستشار الطبي MD Consult


المستشار الطبي يجمع المصادر الطبية الرئيسية معاً في خدمة واحدة لمساعدة الأطباء في الحصول على أجوبة الأسئلة السريرية الضاغطة واتخاذ القرارات العلاجية الأمثل.
سرعة بالحصول على الأجوبة ، متابعة المستجدات ، تثقيف المرضى
وهي خدمة تجارية من دار نشر إلسيفير. أسست الخدمة عام 1997 باشتراك عدد من الناشرين منهم موبسي وساندرز
عدد المشتركين في خدمة المستشار الطبي 280000 والمنظمات 1700 بما فيها 95% من كليات الطب الأمريكية. ويتم تصفح 8 مليون صفحة طبية شهرياً على الموقع

تحوي خدمة المستشار الطبي 50 كتاباً مرجعياً في الطب ، وعشرات المجلات بالنص الكامل ، وقواعد بيانات مجلات طبية وملايين الملخصات الطبية لميدلاين (المكتبة الطبية الوطنية الأمريكية) وكذلك حوالي ألف وثيق إرشاد طبي. و10 آلاف كتيب تثقيفي للمرضى ، وأنشطة تعليم طبي مستمر، ومعلومات دوائية

MD Consult brings the leading medical resources together into one integrated online service to help physicians efficiently find answers to pressing clinical questions and make better treatment decisions.
Find answers quickly
Keep up with new developments
Educate patients
A service of Elsevier, a world leader in health care and medical science publishing, MD Consult operates a family of electronic information resources that meet the clinical content needs of physicians and other health care professionals.
MD Consult was founded in 1997 through a unique venture of the world's leading medical publishers that included Mosby and W.B. Saunders. Our flagship online product, the MD Consult Core Service, quickly earned acclaim for its select content offering and intelligent design. A favorite of primary care physicians and specialists alike, MD Consult now serves over 280,000 users and is licensed by more than 1,700 health care organizations worldwide, including nearly 95% of US medical schools. Subscribers search our extensive content 1.5 million times per month and view more than 8 million pages of clinical content, primarily during daytime practice hours.
The site is designed to meet the exacting needs of clinical practitioners, providing practical and time-saving features that let you quickly access the precise information you need.
Leading Medical Reference Books: The complete text of over 50 leading medical reference books. Users can search the entire collection simultaneously to pinpoint the specific information needed. Also, search and compare over 50,000 high-quality images.
Full-Text Journals and Clinics of North America: Full text articles are available through a powerful search engine that includes the complete contents of over 80 journals and Clinics of North America. PDFs are available for many of the journal and Clinics of North America articles.
Journal Databases: Simultaneously search the full text of our online journals and millions of MEDLINE abstracts.
Guidelines: Access our collection of more than 1,000 peer-reviewed practice guidelines, which are regularly updated and organized by topic and authoring organization for easy browsing.
Patient Education: Nearly 10,000 printable, patient handouts which you can customize, adding your own notes, patient instructions, and contact information.
CME: Grand Rounds activities across 15 specialties. FREE CME credit for the first five conferences that you submit for credit. Plus Clinical Cornerstone and FREE CME, sponsored by Exerpta Medica.
Drug Information: MD Consult drug information is provided by Gold Standard.
Accepted standard
MD Consult has been adopted by more than 90% of North American medical schools and is used in over 1,700 healthcare organizations worldwide. With over a quarter million physician and professional users, MD Consult is the most respected online clinical information service.
Get Clinical Answers Quickly
MD Consult is one of the most efficient tools available to physicians today, putting a breadth of highly respected, current clinical resources at your fingertips.
Keep Up With The Latest Developments
MD Consult makes it easy and convenient to stay current with the newest developments in practice — from recent journals to FDA announcements. Throughout the site, updates are flagged and highlighted so you'll know instantly what is new.
News: The latest findings and developments in medical news, sorted by interest, allows users to stay current with new developments from all of the major journals, government agencies, and medical conferences. Users also receive concise clinical summaries and links to related information.
In This Week's Journals: Select articles from the most respected medical journals. Key contents are presented in an easy-to-scan format, including concise article summaries that provide a fast overview.
Educate Patients
MD Consult includes patient education handouts that you can customize to help your patients understand their illnesses and your treatment recommendations.