أطلس علم الأمراض
مجموعة كبيرة من الصور الشارحة للحالات المرضية جمعها الأستاذ دونالد ر ترش خلال عمله لمدة سبعين عاماً في قسم علم الأمراض من كلية الطب في نيويورك، ومجموعة أخرى للدكتورة باتريشا جين.
Series 1
The images are taken mainly from images collected by Professor Donald R. Thursh, deceased. Dr. Thursh collected these images during the 70's while he was Professor Pathology at New York Medical College, Valhalla, New York. The images were digitized and a hypertext version was initiated at the University of Illinois College of Medicine at Urbana-Champaign, by Dr. Thursh and Dr. Levy, with Dr. Patricia Jean O'Morchoe continuing Dr. Thursh's efforts following his death.
Volume 1 - Overview of General Pathology
Volume 2 - Cardiovascular Pathology
Volume 3 - Endocrine Pathology
Volume 4 - Pulmonary Pathology
Volume 5- Renal Pathology
Series 2
The images in this series are from the collection of Dr. Patricia Jean O'Morchoe. Labelling and annotation are by Dr. O'Morchoe.
Volume 6 - Selected Normal Images
Using this Atlas For volumes 1 and 2, you will initially be presented with a thumbnail sketch of each image, together with its accompanying legend. You will be given an opportunity to decide if you want to view the expanded version of each picture. To expand each image, a GIF or a JPEG viewer must be present in your system software or your browser must incorporate these viewers; many browsers do.
Volume 3 to 6 are in a format using frames. We think it is much easier to use than the older version. To view these volume, you will require a browser such as Netscape (V2 or above) that supports frames or Microsoft's Internet Explorer (for Windows 95 and Windows NT only). These can presently be downloaded without charge from the respective vendor's home pages. We regret that we do not have the staff to support an alternate version that runs without frame capability.
Alphabetical Index Comments & Suggestions
The images are taken mainly from images collected by Professor Donald R. Thursh, deceased. Dr. Thursh collected these images during the 70's while he was Professor Pathology at New York Medical College, Valhalla, New York. The images were digitized and a hypertext version was initiated at the University of Illinois College of Medicine at Urbana-Champaign, by Dr. Thursh and Dr. Levy, with Dr. Patricia Jean O'Morchoe continuing Dr. Thursh's efforts following his death.
Volume 1 - Overview of General Pathology
Volume 2 - Cardiovascular Pathology
Volume 3 - Endocrine Pathology
Volume 4 - Pulmonary Pathology
Volume 5- Renal Pathology
Series 2
The images in this series are from the collection of Dr. Patricia Jean O'Morchoe. Labelling and annotation are by Dr. O'Morchoe.
Volume 6 - Selected Normal Images
Using this Atlas For volumes 1 and 2, you will initially be presented with a thumbnail sketch of each image, together with its accompanying legend. You will be given an opportunity to decide if you want to view the expanded version of each picture. To expand each image, a GIF or a JPEG viewer must be present in your system software or your browser must incorporate these viewers; many browsers do.
Volume 3 to 6 are in a format using frames. We think it is much easier to use than the older version. To view these volume, you will require a browser such as Netscape (V2 or above) that supports frames or Microsoft's Internet Explorer (for Windows 95 and Windows NT only). These can presently be downloaded without charge from the respective vendor's home pages. We regret that we do not have the staff to support an alternate version that runs without frame capability.
Alphabetical Index Comments & Suggestions